Wednesday, August 23, 2017

For Friday: "The Dialogue of a Man and His Soul" (pp.115-122)

Remember, no questions for Friday's class, but we will have an in-class writing based on the reading, "The Dialogue of a Man and His Soul" on pages 115-122. As you read, consider some of the following ideas, any one of which might make an appearance on Friday:

* What disagreement is the man having with his soul? Why does he feel his soul "leads him astray"? 

* Do the "soul's" ideas represent what we imagine our soul would tell us today? Why or why not?

* The soul says "Look, it is good to listen to people! Be happy and forget all cares!" This sounds like the servant's words to his master in "The Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor." Does this suggest that the soul is right? Or is the soul the one not listening?

* Why does the man think his name "stinks"? What crimes/sins has he committed?

* Why does the man see Death as a deliverance rather than an evil? How does he use words/metaphors to explain his own vision of death?

* How does the dialogue end? Who wins? What point of view? Or is it too incomplete to tell?

Also, I will call on members of the "China" group to read some of their responses aloud in class. Check your handout to see if you're in that group so you don't get surprised! (unless you like surprises!) 

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